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MSP Motivation Assessment Program
Considerable research demonstrates that student and teacher motivational beliefs and strategies can influence student learning and performance. Research also indicates that changes in these beliefs can precede or even occur in the absence of changes in student performance. Accordingly, the effectiveness of instructional interventions may not be fully recognized when motivation related outcomes are not assessed.

Our role as a partner in this initiative is to develop and make available improved tools that MSPs can use to monitor the effectiveness of instructional and curricular interventions with respect to student and teacher motivation. These include measures of motivational beliefs (e.g., achievement goals, self-efficacy, value), affect, strategies for self-regulated learning, and epistemic beliefs about math and science. MSP-MAP also offers technical assistance to help MSPs design and implement professional development activities and programs to facilitate teaching practices that engender more adaptive student motivation.

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Project Contributions

Eighth-Grade Algebra Course Placement and Student Motivation for Mathematics
This study uses student panel data to examine the association between algebra placement and student motivation for mathematics. Changes in achievement goals, expectancy, and task value for students in eighth-grade…
Students' Perceptions of Family Involvement Behaviors: Indicators of Family Achievement Goal Emphases, Task Values, and Confidence Beliefs in Math
"This study examined students' perceptions of family involvement behaviors at home and at school, and the relation between perceived family involvement and perceived family emphasis on mastery and performance...
MSP-Motivation Assessment Program Final Report to The National Science Foundation
The MSP-MAP RETA project's final report to NSF includes a summary of project goals and activities for 2003-2007. MSP-MAP was established to develop reliable, valid, and practical tools to assess...
Beyond Achievement: Motivation-related Evidence from a Partnership Between a Targeted Project (TASEL-M) and a RETA (MSP-MAP)
"Our evaluation summit presentation will inform discussions about student learning and participation with data from the first year of our collaboration on student motivation and how it changes over time....
MSP-Motivation Assessment Program Second Year Report to NSF
The MSP-Motivation Assessment Program second year report to the National Science Foundation summarizes the project's activities, assessment tools research findings, and outreach efforts.
MSP-Motivation Assessment Program First Year Report
Posted by: Stuart A. Karabenick . MSP-MAP has accomplished virtually all of its Year 1 objectives during its first nine months of activity, and it will have completed them all during the remaining quarter. These include...
Tools for the Evaluation of Motivation-Related Outcomes of Math and Science Instruction
Slide presentation from the MSP PI Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2004. Click here for a web-viewable PDF Click here for the original PowerPoint presentation