The Partnership involves mathematics faculty and mathematics educators in collaboration with PK-12 educators in strengthening district curricula, student assessment measures, and re-designing pre-service and in-service teacher preparation focused on the needs of an urban district. Through this Partnership, the Institutions of Higher Education Mathematics Network, consisting of 2- and 4-year colleges and universities, will be established to focus on the mathematical preparation and continued growth of PK-12 teachers and to improve the transition of students to post secondary education.
Project Contributions

"We believe and expect that teachers should know the standards they are expected to teach, yet it is widely acknowledged that the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) are…

Posted by: DeAnn Huinker . The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), a comprehensive MSP project, resulted in significant improvement in mathematics achievement…

"The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) is a collaboration among the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Public Schools, and Milwaukee Area Technical College. A major component of MMP has been the development…

Posted by: Kevin McLeod . Coauthors: Kevin McLeod & DeAnn Huinker The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Public Schools, and the Milwaukee Area Technical College comprise the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership, which, since 2003, has involved…

"The mathematical knowledge needed for teaching differs from what is needed for other occupations in that the knowledge must be usable in the practice of teaching…

The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) theory of action claims that teacher professional development leads to improved teacher mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) which leads to improved student achievement. Through our…

The released Math Teacher Leader (MTL) strategy represented a significant change from the initial approach of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership. This strategy, which provides for teachers to be released from…

Posted by: DeAnn Huinker . The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership has been on a journey over several years in moving a large urban district toward implementation of formative assessment in mathematics. This article describes lessons learned…

Posted by: Carl Hanssen . The purpose of this protocol is to facilitate observations of MPS school-based meetings that focus on mathematics. These meetings vary by type and might include professional development sessions, learning team…

Posted by: Carl Hanssen . This survey is being administered as part of the evaluation of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership. The information collected through this survey is part of the evaluation and is intended to…

This paper addresses the following claim(s): "Schools exhibited changes in their social networks between 2006 and 2009. First, MTLs became more central figures in their respective school networks. This is…

The MMP is a mature project that is now in its seventh year. As this partnership moves into a new phase of sustainability, as one that is financially supported by…

"...Part of the evaluation of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) focused on trying to capture some of the school level variability in variables that are not under the control of...

"Most quantitative evaluation endeavors undertaken to assess the effectiveness of large scale educational reform efforts must rely on self-report data to some extent. For example, the analytical...

Alternative statistical models have been proposed for evaluating the effects of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) on teachers and students. These models have been articulated in the form of...

Posted by: DeAnn Huinker . The first large scale meeting of the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Network of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership is scheduled in conjunction with the NPRIME summer meeting in Milwaukee, August...

Posted by: DeAnn Huinker . Data analysis...probability .. statistics... All that is fun stuff to think about during summer vacation if you're a mathematics teacher. Those and other mathematical topics have been on the mind...

Posted by: DeAnn Huinker . The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership will hold a "Math Teacher Leader Institute" Tuesday, Aug. 24, and Wednesday, Aug. 25, at Bradley Tech High School, 700 S. 4th St. The mathematics partnership,...

Posted by: DeAnn Huinker . Teachers usually get to ask the mathematics questions. But the Institutes of Higher Education Network for Mathematics (IHE) poses a mathematical question to those teaching the teachers. IHE, which includes...

Posted by: Kathleen Schactner. "A strong mathematics program is a vital part of any curriculum, and now Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) will have more resources to make sure their students improve in math. This...

Posted by: Kathleen Schactner. Description of the goals of the MMP grant as published in the UWM News Page.