The project has three goals. First, because the issue is contentious, and because advocates are selective in their use of this literature, we want to develop a omplete index of this literature. Second, because the work is so various in its design and methodologies, we want to explore alternative methods for synthesizing it that are accurate and that reflect the range of available evidence. Finally, because the quality of this literature is so various, we want to articulate problems of quality and methodology as a guide for consumers of this literature.
Specific projects currently under way include:
-- Snthesis of regression slopes;
-- Synthesis of studies using student mathematics achievement as their outcome;
-- Synthesis of qualitative studies.
Project Contributions
"The studies listed on this site seek evidence that teachers' qualifications (TQ) have some bearing on the quality of their teaching practice (QT). For "qualifications," we include any aspect of...
Posted by: Mary Kennedy . A synthesis of research on the relationship of teachers' educational background to the mathematics achievement of their students. Prepared by the Causal Inference in Instructional Workforce Research MSP...
In this breakout session, we described findings from a RETA project that focuses on the relationship between indicators of teacher knowledge (such as educational background and test scores) and the...
Posted by: Mary Kennedy . "This project addresses two intertwined problems. One is the problem of drawing causal inference in cases where experimental conditions cannot be met, the other is the problem of ascertaining what...